NASEO Releases Bipartisan Energy Policy Recommendations for Administration and Congress

Source: rlmartin

NASEO has released a series of Bipartisan Energy Priorities and Policy Recommendations for Congress and the Administration designed to inform the new administration and Congress on key energy and climate priorities and opportunities for partnership at the state level.

The recommendations address the following priorities:

  • State-federal coordination to meet energy, climate, security, and economic imperatives;
  • Energy security, emergency preparedness, and resilience actions to save lives and livelihoods;
  • Energy system modernization and decarbonization to support security and economic growth;
  • Energy technology innovation and deployment to create jobs and transform the transportation, buildings, manufacturing, and electric sectors;
  • Energy workforce development to ensure the workforce has the skills necessary to obtain high-quality jobs and to help meet our energy goals; and
  • Consideration of equity and inclusion in energy policies and programs to reduce energy burdens and to ensure all residents of the nation have access to energy opportunities and solutions.

The recommendations highlight existing legislative proposals which have NASEO’s support because of their attention to the states’ energy, climate, security, and economic development priorities and their public-private partnership approach, and recommend additional strategies to strengthen state-federal actions in clean energy.